Special thanks to…
The VW Transporter was designed to seat 8, but we wish we could fit all of these folks......Red Bus Brewing Company would like to acknowledge the following people for their support and contributions.....in no particular order.
Al and Sharon Schmid - Erik's parents for their small bridge loan to kick off the project and Al, specifically for introducing Erik to german cars and the wonderful hobby of homebrewing.
The team at ERSOP.com for their expertise in constructing a dynamite funding solution.
David Kuoppamaki, Captain Curt Taras, Dave Kenrow - Architect, Civil Engineer and Electrical Engineer for their patience, persistence and guidance.
Steve Mays and Frank Huffman of Sauren Construction - General Contractors who for their attention to detail, unsolicited (but valuable) advice, and cost consciousness.
Brian Wallace, the remarkably talented graphic artist and marketing genius for sticking with us thru several brand iterations.
The City of Folsom, specifically the planning commission, city counsel and Scott Johnson, Planning Manager for helping us navigate 'City Hall'.
Tim Harrigan - Handiman and Painter extraordinaire.
David Coody - Owner, Jack Russell Farm Brewery and Winery. Friend, mentor and sounding board who helped jumpstart beer production.
Mike Mraz and Lauren Zehnder of Mraz Brewing Company - Mike for providing, awesome beer, an example of following your dreams, his time, advice and support throughout and Lauren for showing everyone how a tap room should run!
KC Sare, Co-owner, Solid Ground Brewing Company. For his unwavering support of The Brewmeister stores and Red Bus Brewing Company.
Andy Klein, Owner, The Monk's Cellar for encouraging Erik to enroll @ the American Brewer's Guild in 2001 and being a role model and sounding board in the brewing business.
Dave Mathis, American River Brewing Company for his advice and encouragement.
AJ Tendick and Bike Dog Brewing Company - AJ for answering question after question, and thinking of us for used equipment, Bike Dog specifically for brand inspiration.
Jim Corbett and co-owner of Escape Folsom, for the awesome concrete bar top.
Marty Elliott for her patience, furniture sourcing and incredible interior design talent.
Mike Keller @ Ballistic Concrete Coatings for kick ass floors!
Corky Young, Granite Bay Tile and Marble for beautiful base/cove tile.
Bob and Lanette Reece of Folsom Stair and Woodworks and Red Bus Brewing Company landlord for their patience, willingness and confidence in Red Bus Brewing Company.
The entire crew and SSW Construction Corporation (our neighbor at 804 Reading) for putting up with the long, and often messy build out.
Jeff Garcia, Vice President, US Bank, El Dorado Hills in assisting with our banking and credit options.
Michael Tatro, CarMichael Vintage vehicles for being one of the earliest adopters of the brand and huge supporter on social media.
Brad Durante, Video Production Guru for his cool 'Red Bus Around Town Video'.
The incredible staff @ The Brewmeister (past and present), without whom this project could have never happened, some notables below:
Kevin Pratt, David Baumann, Aaron Righos, Casey Kaminski, Brian Vermont, Tyler Wingo, Nik Stevens, Jacqi Todd, Zack Frasier, Chris Mattox, Kellen Owen, John Soderstrom, Tim Bradstreet, Sean Waldrop.