Home Brewing Supplies and CO2!

Red Bus owner, Erik Schmid ran the local Brewmeister Home Brewing stores for more than 20 years, closing the last of 4 shops in 2024. To continue supporting local home brewers, Red Bus will be stocking the following for home brewers, available for purchase and pick up at the brewery:

  • 55# Bags of Rahr Base Malts (Pils, 2-Row and Pale) - $65

  • Specialty Malts available via special order (55# Bags) - $varies

  • Limited Fermentis Dry Yeast (S-04 and S-05) - $6/pk

  • A range of Imperial Liquid Brewer’s Yeast - $14/pk

  • 5# CO2 Bottle Swap or Purchase ($35/$125 + tax)

We will do our best to keep inventory on hand based on demand. If you have questions or would like to order something, please send us an email: redbusbrew@gmail.com